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    WH family strategy in Digital marketing: WHEN

    Created On Aug 3rd, 2021
    WH family strategy in Digital marketing: WHEN

    For eCommerce businesses it is important to keep engaging and attracting new audiences frequently at the right time, digital presence is an integral part for the growth of an eCommerce business. Prior to this article in the HOW part we learned about approach strategy, timings play an important part in the success of the approach strategy so in this article we are going to talk about the right time to approach your target audience.

    The GIF of WHEN part in WH Family Strategy Of Digital Marketing

    It is important for you to ‘engage right people at the right time’ to succeed in digital marketing. In this section we are going to understand the importance of timing your digital ads to gain attention of potential consumers.

    Let’s talk about selling winter shoes to your target audience. When can you sell this type of product? Or when is the right time to approach your buyers? Winter shoes can be must-have footwear during the winter season. Thus, selling winter shoes at the ‘ideal timing or season helps boost’ the overall online sales. 

    The same applies to a video marketing services firm. If you are targeting B2B companies and you are launching creative video templates for sporting events, then doing ads during mid breaks of big sporting events like cricket or other sporting events would help you market it better. So you should be ‘aware of the timings’ of upcoming mass events to succeed with your marketing plan.

    That’s all about the “when” question and WH Family Strategy of DIGITAL MARKETING.
    You can drop us queries related to WH family strategy in digital marketing. We are all ears and happy to help you grow digitally.