Know About Ad Assets in Performance Max Campaigns

Are you considering running a Performance Max campaign?
It’s a powerful tool that helps reach a broader audience effectively. While Performance Max campaigns on Google and Microsoft can run with just essential inputs like headlines and product feeds, the real magic lies in adding multiple high-quality assets.
Ad Assets in Performance Max Campaigns
Ad Assets play a significant role in Performance Max Campaigns. Some of the common assets used in PMAX campaigns are Text Assets, Image Assets, and Video Assets.
In this blog, we’ll explore these ad assets in Performance Max Campaigns and learn how each contributes to a high-performing campaign.
Further, you’ll also get to know some helpful pro tips along the way for creating impactful assets that engage your audience and boost your campaign results.
1. Text Assets
Text assets contain long and short headlines, descriptions, display URLs, and business names in unique variations to help you reach your campaign goals. It allows you to deliver messages about your products or services.
While writing text assets, focus on specific features or benefits that give your ads a competitive edge. Highlight unique features or benefits that make your ad stand out.
For example, if you provide curbside delivery for your products, make sure to mention it in your text assets.
2. Image Assets
Image assets should represent your products or services, adding depth and interest to your ads. It helps create a strong visual connection with potential customers, making your campaign more appealing.
In addition to product images, you may also include badges that display the authenticity of your products such as Organic, Eco-friendly, Gluten-free, etc.
For example, if you sell a “Vegan food item”, including images showing “Vegan” would help to show the authenticity of the product you are selling.
3. Video Assets
Video assets are the most important for capturing audience attention and driving engagement. It allows you to showcase products, tell stories, or explain offers in a visually appealing way across various platforms such as YouTube, Microsoft Ad network, banner ads, etc.
PRO-TIP: Keep your video Ads short and engaging to maintain the viewer’s attention. Aim to grab attention within the first 3-5 seconds. At this point, the ‘Skip-ad’ button is not yet visible.
Always end the video with a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides viewers on what steps to take next, whether making a purchase, visiting the website, signing up, or learning more.
In the Microsoft Pmax campaign, you can run video ads with the help of generative AI by adding a landing page URL link.
While PMAX simplifies ad management, its impact depends on different asset combinations. Experiment with various assets and create Ads that resonate best with your target audience.
The more you improve your Ad assets, the greater your potential for driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing sales.
Now that you know the types of ad assets in Performance Max Campaigns, what are the best practices for its optimisation?
Stay tuned for our upcoming blog on optimising Ad assets for your Performance Max campaign.
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